Deuteronomy 31:8

"The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8

Monday, June 14, 2010


In t-minus 35 days I will leave for Zambia to begin my time as a Peace Corps Volunteer! I will be a Community Health Development Extensionist, working in a rural Zambian village helping to establish healthy strategies to deal with priorities such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, and food improvement. Still don't really understand what that means? That's okay, neither do I! From what I've been reading in my HUGE packet I will be doing a lot of teaching with community members about various health topics, which really excites me because it is in the area of public health, which I have enjoyed in past clinicals.
Here's a little snapshot of what my life will look like:

So since I don't know too much, I will let you know what I do know:

1. I will be living in a remote village with my own hut

2. I get a bike to get me from place to place (helmet included)

3. No electricity, no running water

4. The first 3 months will be training with other volunteers, then I will be in my own village.

5. I leave July 20th (from where is still TBD)

6. I will return September 23, 2012.
Ah I can't wait!


  1. I LOVE your blog! Cutie picture <3 Hopefully you can show off your canon in Africa!

  2. thank god that a helmet is included with yo bike! i was worried.
